Exercise is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle. It strengthens the body, boosts mood, and … What is the role of insulin during exercise?Read more
Diabetes and sports
Everything related to diabetes and sports. Running, swimming, football, you name it. Everything is possible with a couple of things to consider.
The first thing you should do when you have diabetes and decide to exercise is to talk to your doctor. If you are overweight, have high blood pressure, heart disease, or vision and leg problems, talk to your doctor before even starting your exercise routine. To prevent over-exertion that may hurt you, your doctor will tell you exactly what steps to take.
Only if your doctor says it is ok to do physical activities, you should do it. Diabetes and sports go hand in hand.
Among the most important physical activities with beneficial effects in controlling diabetes is aerobic exercise and strength training.
Moderate aerobic activity helps strengthen the heart and bones, eliminates stress, improves blood circulation, and reduces the risk of heart disease by regulating blood pressure and blood sugar, but also cholesterol levels.
Strength (or endurance) training increases muscle glucose consumption and improves glycemic control by increasing insulin sensitivity.
Diabetes and sports – yes it’s possible
Diabetes and sports is possible. Not only that, but it is highly recommended that diabetics perform … Diabetes and sports – yes it’s possibleRead more